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Jumat, 18 November 2011

Bruno Fashion: Sacha Baron Cohen's Best Outfit Yet

We're accustomed to his outrageous stunts, but Sacha Baron Cohen really pulled out all the stops (sort of literally) for the German premiere of Bruno.
If you thought the Bruno nude spread in GQ was provocative, well, this may top it, despite the lack of nudity from Cohen's faux gay Austrian fashionista.
Bruno wowed crowds in Berlin, Germany, with what can only be described as the most ... um, interesting use of pink material in history. Plus Ugg boots.
We don't even know what to say at this point.
Due to the potentially offensive nature of this photo, and the fact that it may cause fashion (and regular) nightmares, we have posted it after the jump.
Check out the Bruno photo below if you dare ...

Bruno Fashion

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