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Senin, 14 November 2011

Which one do you like for your bedroom??


The theme of this room is pink Eiffel Tower. This room is for girls who like Paris. If you love Paris or something in Paris you must choose this bedroom


The same as the previous bedroom, the theme is Pink but is not only for girls who love Paris, this for all girls who like pink, if you love pink, you can say to your mom to change your bedroom to be like this bedroom ;)


For this room, this room is simple but cool. This is for all girls who grew up and love pink, but if you to young and love this bedroom, you can choose this for your bedroom


Barbie!! Do you love Barbie??? If yes, yeah me too, I like Barbie, because she is beautiful and she like Pink color like me, if you love Barbie same as me, you must choose this room for your bedroom because the theme of this room is Pink Barbie


For this room, I think this is simple but cool!! Love this room, if you agree with me, choose this room, you will look more mature, and cool!! Trust me ;)

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